OCS News


Dr. Robert Wafula at Amity University for Seminar

Dr. Robert Wafula, Coordinator Academic Advisory & Career Mentorship attended a training seminar at Amity University on leveraging social network and quotient to drive University Education to a relevant and


Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Kibabii University mentorship troop under the patronage of Dr. Wafula and student peer mentors Rachel Anyango of Computer Science and Douglas Muriuki of Computer Science and Chair C.U visited a


Consultative Forum of KIBU Alumni Leadership

A consultative forum of opinion leaders to prepare a stable KIBU alumni leadership by planning election and AGM and funds drive to drive investment agenda to raise money for supporting


Academic and Spiritual Mentorship

Dr. Wafula at Kibabii Boys High School doing academic and career mentorship to form four students. Ladies of Kibabii university C.U from academic and spiritual counselling together with Dr. Wafula


KIBU at Career Services Training Forum

Kibabii University team led by Dr. Wafula, Dr. Malanda and Ms. Adina in a group photo during the Career Services Training forum at Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) on 23rd


Mentorship Session of St Beda Nyaya and Eluuya Girls

The Kibabii University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo led the Academic Advisory and Career Mentorship team which include Chairman of Department Career Mentorship, Dr. Robert Wafula, Mr. Lihru, Mrs. Sibilike

Mentorship at Gethesmane High School in Homabay County2

Mentorship at Gethesmane High School in Homabay County

Chairman of Department Career Mentorship, Dr. Robert Wafula together with Diana Museve and Jason Kaurie students of Information Technology and Applied Mathematics respectively headed to Mfangano Island at Gethesmane High


Mental Attitude Influence on Academic Success

BY: DR WAFULA ROBERT (PhD –DEV’TAL  PSYCHOLOGY, CPM; MTI EAST AFRICA) COD: CAREER MENTORSHIP; KIBABII UNIVERSITY; KENYA. Success is the by-product of your attitude. Attitude does not only determine how

Courtesy Call on DVC PPRI1

Courtesy Call on DVC PPRI

Ms. Echo Wang a student of Cambridge University doing voluntary work in Kenya visit Kibabii University for possible collaboration in mentorship and exchange programs. She visited Hostels, Classes and University

VC Mentoring Visiting School1

VC Mentoring Visiting School

The Kibabii University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo led the Academic Advisory and Career Mentorship team in mentoring the visiting secondary school on 26th July, 2018.

On Job mentorship2

On Job Mentorship

Journalism and Mass Communication students on job mentorship at Magharibi TV on 2nd July, 2018. They were accompanied by Dr. Robert Wafula

Mentoring Visiting School1

Mentoring Visiting School

Kibabii University mentorship troupes led by Dr. Wafula, Mr. Lihru, Mrs. Sibilike and Ms. Wangeci mentoring the visiting school. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo joined in mentoring students on