Rationale for Establishment of OCS

Research studies indicate that about one (1) million youths enter the job market from Universities  every year but only one (1) out of five (5)  get absorbed in the formal sector; which is a very worrying trend. Secondly, the contemporary global challenges across all economic sectors is placing new demands of workers with skills and competencies required in the 21st century workplace. The changes in the skill set is both expanding employment opportunities and imposing new demands on employees.

Basic industrial skills are now considered essential for people entering the workforce and for those trying to find a better job. To achieve this, the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education now considers creating a skilled workforce as a strategic way to meet economic growth, promote competitiveness, and improve business productivity as well as industrialization. To this, end, the Ministry of Education has supported the introduction of the Office of Career Services (OCS) in all tertiary institutions and universities in the country to assist in preparing University graduates who meet the market demands and expectations.

The KIBU OCS endeavors not only to produce academicians but all round professionals with a competitive edge on the job market. This is will be made possible through effective Academic Advisory, Career guidance, mentorship and linkages with industry. This is hoped to positively impact on a range of developmental outcomes including emotional/behavioral resiliency, academic excellence, career advancement, and organizational productivity.

Moreover, the Office of career Services has become a necessary vehicle in helping young people succeed not only in school but also at work and in general life endeavors. By connecting young people to caring, consistent, and supportive career mentors or industrial practitioners, Kibabii University (KIBU) OCS endeavors to help young professionals not only to achieve their dreams through job and wealth creation but also strengthen communities, the economy, and the country at large.

To achieve this enormous task, OCS will also harness the Alumni strength in branding itself as a successful institution, to mentor and guide young scholars as well as raising funds to fulfil its mandate. Hence, OCS will help in coordinating and implementing the Alumni agenda in partnership with the elected officials as per their constitution.