Kibabii University

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Kibabii University mentorship troop under the patronage of Dr. Wafula and student peer mentors Rachel Anyango of Computer Science and Douglas Muriuki of Computer Science and Chair C.U visited a secondary school for mentorship over the weekend on 9th March, 2019. The team was accompanied by an A of 2019 Alma Mater of Lugulu Girls Centrine Nafula. The mentorship team took students through ingredients that spice up the cake to the University. The value of time utility, from charcoal to diamond. Time the refiner or furnace of our dreams. Empowering our generation’s today for a prosperous society tomorrow

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility

Mentorship on the Value of Time Utility